Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master MPRI University of Paris Diderot:

    • M. Habib, graph algorithms, 12 hours;

    • P. Fraigniaud, “Algorithmique distribuée pour les réseaux”, 12 hours;

    • C. Delporte and H. Fauconnier, “Algorithmique distribuée avec mémoire partagée”; C. Delporte, 12 hours and H. Fauconnier, 12 hours.

  • Master Professional University of Paris Diderot:

    • M. Habib, Search Engines, 50 hours;

    • M. Habib, Parallelism and mobility which includes peer-to-peer overlay networks, 50 hours;

    • C. Delporte, Distributed programming, 33 hours;

    • H. Fauconnier, Internet Protocols and Distributed algorithms, 44 hours;

  • Master Bioinformatique University of Paris Diderot:

    • L. Viennot, System, network and Internet, 15 hours.

  • Master: F. Mathieu, Peer-to-Peer Techniques, 30 hours, University of Paris 6;

  • D.U.T. : Y. Boufkhad, computer science and networks, 192 hours, University of Paris Diderot;

  • U.F.R.: F. de Montgolfier,foundation of computer science, algorithmics, and computer architecture, 192 hours, University of Paris Diderot;

  • Master: F. de Montgolfier, Peer-to-Peer theory and application, M2, University of Marne-la-Vallée;

  • Elementary school: L. Viennot, “Ateliers de fondements de l'informatique", 30 hours (CM1, corresponding to 4th grade).


  • PhD :Hung Tran-The, "Le Problème du Consensus dans les Systèmes avec Homonymes", University of Paris Diderot June 06 2013, supervised by Hugues Fauconnier and Carole Delporte [1] ,

  • PhD in progress : François Durand, "Manipulabilité des systèmes de vote et applications aux réseaux", since 2012, supervised by Fabien Mathieu and Ludovic Noirie

    Jérémie Dusart,"Parcours de graphes de cocomparabilité", since 2011, supervised by Michel Habib

    Antoine Mamcarz,"Algorithmes de décomposition de graphes", since 2010, supervised by Michel Habib

    The-Dang Huynh , "Extensions de PageRank et Applications aux Réseaux Sociaux", since 2012, supervised by Fabien Mathieu, Dohy Hong and Laurent Viennot,

    Leonardo Linguaglossa, "Design of algorithms and protocols to support ICN functionalities in high speed routers", since 2013, supervised by Fabien Mathieu, Diego Perino and Laurent Viennot.


  • HdR reviews: C. Delporte-Gallet reviews Coelho's HdR thesis "Contributions à la performance du calcul scientique et embarqué" (october 11th 2013)

    L. Viennot has reviewed Nicolas Bonichon's HdR thesis "Quelques algorithmes entre le monde des graphes et les nuages de points" (April 3rd 2013) and Adrian Kosowski's HdR thesis "Time and space-efficient algorithms for mobile agents in an anonymous network" (October 26th 2013).

  • PhD review: L. Viennot has reviewed Przemyslaw Uznanski's PhD thesis "Large scale platform : instantiable models and algorithmic design of communication schemes" (October 11th 2013), Remigiusz Modrzejewski's PhD thesis "Distribution and storage in networks" (October 24th 2013) and Christian Glacet's PhD thesis "Algorithmes de routage, de la réduction des coûts de communication à la dynamique" (December 6th 2013).